About APNL


Email the Webmaster to post a recruitment advertisement. Attach a MS Word or Adobe Acrobat document of the posting works best.

If you are looking for work or a career change, you may also want to check out CPA's Career page for a listing of recruitment ads across Canada.

Contacting the Human Resource departments of local school or health boards is also advised. Eastern Health currently has a number of vacancies for Clinical Psychologist positions.

The NL Public Service Commission posts recruitment ads for provincial government and College of The North Atlantic. The link brings you to both internal competitions, as well as public postings.


*APNL does not necessarily endorse any of the services, products, or jobs advertised in Classified advertisements. For additional information, please contact the company or individual directly.*

Additional postings for Psychologisats can be found at the Canadian Psychological Association's Career Ads page